Sunday, September 30, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012


在几天前,我做错了一件事。。。令我失去了一个机会。到今天,这个机会可能不一定是属于我的,但我真的很想争取,我很想再证明我自己的能力~ 我不想再让情绪决定我的命运~我我要靠自己的理性期决定自己的命运~

Saturday, September 22, 2012


it's like i've had a dream... a dream that pay a vy expensive price... what have i got my self into this time? lots of trouble awaits my arrival back home... this is probabily my biggest weakness... what am i suppose to do? is there anyone out there who could tell me what's my next step? what do i really want? i'm sorry... it was really hard back there... i couldnt take it... i even wanted to end my life if i stay another day.... i'm really sorry...

Friday, September 14, 2012

最近我都很少发脾气,因为我觉得发脾气是件很愚蠢的事~ 当一个人发脾气时,他就会乱,会失去理智。。。所以今天就算接到多么讽刺的消息,依然能够把杀伤力降到最低。。至少没以前那样火大~ 深信,不久将来,必能完全掌握自己的情绪~ =)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

~Tell VISA I love it~ ♫

~ tell it how much i need it~ ♪


人的理想~就如 天空中的白云, 空气中的氧气,大海里的鱼儿~ 缺一不可

~人因梦想而伟大,因理想而有方向感~ 只要清楚知道自己真正想要的是什么,不管前去的路上有多难走,都一定要坚持下去~因为成功往往都在艰苦的下一站~

~ 深信 只要有恒心,梦想可成真~ =)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

 Patience~ a simple word that comes with a challenging + meaningful defination~

Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way. =)

Monday, September 3, 2012

有时有很多事明知做了没结果~但有什么关系~起码现在做了,将来不会后悔 =)

我曾经以为我非常清楚我追求的是什么~ 但,这一年来,我的世界观机忽彻底改变,可以说是没以前那么单纯~ 回想当初,追求的只是成就,名誉,财物,金钱等。认为只要能够拥有自己理想的生活方式,就一定会很开心,很幸福~

可,最近发现,其实很多事情没我想象中那么简单~以前看连续剧,就纯粹看过就完了~现在再看过一遍,发觉原来每一部戏里都能够学到很多宝贵的人生道理~ 或许当中有些错误的资讯,但,有些事,在很多片戏里都不断重复~以现实也证实了这些情节~

可以说,我已可以预知一些将来可能会发生的事~ 也渐渐发现,其实真正能够让我开心的事是能够得到家庭幸福和一段真实的友谊~ 这,也是我一直都在逃避~甚至认为成就和金钱能够取代的追求~ 一直都不想去面对。。。或许,当年发生的事对我影响太深刻,到今天都还无法面对。。。

其实幸福真的可以很简单~ 很多人虽然没太多的金钱,但有家人朋友的关怀,每天可以哈哈大笑的~这未尝也是一种幸福~



当发现自己真正想要的并不是成就,而是这几年来,一直都看不起得亲情时,有些接受不了~甚至现在,都无法面对~ 也使我前去的路开始有些模糊了,没了确实的方向感,心里好害怕~

会不会是我想太多了?无论如何,尽然已经决定把书念下去就应该一心一意的把事情做到最好~ 有时有很多事明知做了没结果~但有什么关系~起码现在做了,将来不会后悔 =)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Being an Ambitious and Passionate Dreamer is something i'm always proud of~

It is my Ambition to become an Astrophysics~ eventhough the income may not be very seductive, but i've still ought to complete the journey i've started year ago, to prove to others and most importantly to myself that whatever i put my mind on doing, it is done! Period!


It is my Dream to own a Luxurious Penthouse Apartment and live a luxurious life~ clearly, the income of a scientist can never affort a living i wish to live. therefore, it is also my responsibility to learn up investment skills and start up a business that could pay for my expensive living! to achieve my Dreams to own my dream house~ a Luxurious Penthouse Apartment!