Saturday, September 27, 2008


RULE :Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things / habits / little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits /things / little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.No TAG backs!

1. I love my dog very much!

2. I can’t sleep without my “big bear bear” pillow!

3. I’ll kick and hit a door(mostly my room's) whenever I’m angry! That's why, it's cracking! wahahah!

4. I always fight with my younger brothers!

5. I love sushi! Ice-cream! Chocolates! Cheese cake! Cheese tart! FOOD!!!

6. I never touch a Barbie doll in my life! Instead, I deal with guns, remote control cars and sword! hahaha! actually i don't understand what's so fun playing with barbie doll?

7. I enjoy shopping FOR FOOD! FOOD!!! without food i can't do things properly!

8. I’m a free thinker! Believe in science! well~ i have my own reason to be a free thinker!

9. I didn’t receive any gift from Santa for quite a long time! T-T maybe it's because of globe warming! the north pole is melting! and Santa is busy refreezing it!

10. Finished spending my “am pao” money (RM 600) in a month! bought a remote control helicopter(spoiled), bicycle(stolen!)and some reference book (still available)! T-T…looking forward for the arrival of Chinese New Year 2009!

11. bought a remote control helicopter(RM200+) but my neighbors spoil it within a week!!!! Shouldn’t have borrowed them!!!

12. well~ all the others remote control car>>> I spoiled it myself! Because I just can't stand to not unscrew it n play with the electronic gadgets in it! But can’t fix it back at the end! Wahahaha!

13. I want to buy a telescope badly! But dad always says those (Toys R Us') are the fake ones!!

14. working hard to get as much As as possible for SPM! Because my grandparents will be giving me RM100 per A! and mum will bring me to Japan if I got 10As!

15. still don’t believe that my auntie( 25 years old only! Haha!) never score below 90 for her Addmath!!! well~ i'd never get above 90 for my addmath!!!!

wahahahha! i'm done! now, these are my victims!


well, most of my friends are tagged! so...haiz!

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