Tuesday, August 5, 2008

i felt like an idiot today!

Today~ 5th of august, it’s 2 of my friends’ birthday.
Half of the class + some English society members had a trip to the selangor culture cove!
We do have a lot of fun there..^0^
However, my happiness flues off when I noticed my classmates were celebrating one of the birthday girl’s birthday party without letting me know earlier!
I really felt like an idiot!
I went off for a walk while they were enjoying.
Now that I know… being in an A class is like being in a hell!
I would rather go back to 3C …. Where everyone in there was vy friendly n caring.
We celebrated every thing together… we work together… we play together…
We share info together… I enjoyed it!
Although it has been nearly 2 years with my new classmates… I’d made a lot of effort to make friends with them. However, there is still a vy big gap between us.
Lastly, I would like to apologies if I’ve offended u (the reader) in this blog!

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